Ducere Global Business School | Blog

6 Keys to Study Success: Mastering Your MBA Journey

Written by Rikki Archibald | May 20, 2024 5:06:42 PM

Commencing a Master of Business Administration (MBA) after a long hiatus form studying or stepping into the academic world for the first time can be daunting. Drawing from my experience supporting hundreds of students returning to higher education with Ducere Global Business School, I've identified six critical indicators of success that will help you excel in your studies:

1.      Plan out your time.

Plan out your time and be realistic about how you operate. It is better to do some work each day (or at least each week) but realistically, things derail our progress (kids, illness, work commitments). Try to keep up with the course content and self-correct as quickly as possible where you lose time. If you can't get yourself back on track, ask for help. It is always worth reaching out to student support to see if you can get an extension or speak to an academic if you are having trouble understanding something. There will almost always be something they can do to help.

"If you can't get yourself back on track, ask for help."

2.      Always focus on your assignments / exams.

At the beginning of each module, familiarise yourself with all of your assignments. The course content, and everything you are required to do is built around the assignments so make sure you know what your objective is before you start reading the course content.

Create a new Word document for each assignment with some basic notes at the top which remind you of the main requirements (assignment question, wordcount, number of references, document formatting requirements and so on). Set the formatting up as required by the assignment so that you don’t forget later. Now as you start working through the content, keep notes for the assignment and reference them immediately so that you don’t lose track of them. There is nothing more frustrating than trying to find references the evening that your assignment is due.

"By correctly referencing their work you are giving them the credit they deserve for their ideas and contribution to the academic sphere."

3.      Referencing is IMPORTANT.

Referencing is IMPORTANT even if you wish it wasn’t and don’t like doing it. It is an extremely important part of any academic program and acknowledges the hard work and talent of those who have come before you. By correctly referencing their work you are giving them the credit they deserve for their ideas and contribution to the academic sphere. Make sure you know which style you are required to use and stick to it. Learn it properly at the beginning and you will be set up to fly through your MBA.

I love the referencing functionality in MS Word (particularly for Harvard style) and we also recommend using Grammarly if you need additional help with reviewing referencing, grammar and punctuation.

4.      Throw yourself wholeheartedly into learning new technology.

Throw yourself wholeheartedly into learning the new technology you may be confronted with. I know sometimes it seems overwhelming, but we really have reached a moment in time where the most basic user can easily navigate most of the platforms that are used in education. Covid, artificial intelligence and everyone working remotely has upleveled how we use technology and things have never been easier. I promise you that the initial time you put into learning about these technologies will pay off 100 times over throughout your degree.

"You get to choose whether to struggle against the information you are being offered, of to take as much from it as you can..."

5.      Leave your ego at the door and be willing to take feedback.

Leave your ego at the door and be willing to take feedback form the academics. Regardless of your work and life experience or what you have studied before, you have chosen this course for a reason. You get to choose whether to struggle against the information you are being offered, of to take as much from it as you can, even if you don't always agree with the feedback.

6.      Take the time to get to know your colleagues in the cohort.

Take the time to get to know your colleagues in the cohort. The people you are surrounded by will be the ones that open doors for you in the future. I am constantly surprised by the calibre of Ducere's students and the incredible lives they have lived. Ducere has a truly global cohort, and we regularly receive feedback that the insight students have got form working with students from other countries and cultures is truly valuable.

Students who engage more with their cohort whether that is through attending webinars live, engaging in the chat section in announcements on Canvas, or participating in the WhatsApp chat set up for the students, generally do better in the degree and come out of it with lifelong friendships and alliances.

By incorporating these six strategies into your approach, you'll navigate your MBA journey with confidence and success. Remember, challenges may arise, but with determination and support, you'll achieve your academic goals. Here's to your success in your MBA studies!